So today is the last day of the course. After a late night (we worked until 3.30am!!) and not much sleep, we hammered out our paper and did our presentation. Audrey knows Powerpoint, so she found some cool photos and put together a cool shot with all our stuff and our kickass rarefaction curves. The presentation was great. Everyone did an amazing job on their projects and put together interesting presentations. considering the presentation was close to 2 hours - it never felt like it was droning on and on.
That morning, some construction people dug up a hawks bill turtle nest, and the turtles had hatched and were probably going to dig themselves out that night, so they brought them to Bellairs. We called the turtle people and they came to get them to release them to the ocean that night.
After the presentations, we had a party - fresh grilled fish (Mahi Mahi, tuna, something else I can't remember) thanks to Dr. Kramer. We made a potato salad, and there was lots of beer and rum. Emma, at the start of the course, collected all our beer bottle caps, and we made them into little bottle cap art. DNA for Dr. Bureau (molecular module), fish for Dr. Kramer (fish module), and a spider for the spider specialist Dr. Buddle (bug module).
And lastly, I pulled out my new Gorilla tripod which provided much phallic entertainment for the evening. I did put it to good use to take our last group shot though.
I'll be posting more about my adventures down here. Stay tuned!
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