I've been volunteer- ing in a biology lab this summer at McGill, and it's been a lot of fun. The people working in the lab are great fun, incredibly helpful, and I've been learning lots of stuff!
When I decided to go back to school, I was sure I wasn't going to enjoy the lab part. I had visions of those sterile labs with terrible lighting that you see on television, with everyone working in utter silence and never talking to each other. I am (happily) completely wrong! I'm sure those labs exist somewhere, but the one I'm volunteering in is great!
I'm helping a grad student with her research right now. She's studying the effects of oxygen gradients on the breeding habits of fish. This is the oversimplyfied version! I'm weighing each egg from each brood, photographing them, and then using a computer program to measure dimensions and calculate volume. This is one of the photographs I've taken.
Cool stuff!!