On Barbados, there is one type of monkey, the green monkey. They are originally from West Africa, and were brought over about 350 years ago. They are a regular sight here at Bellairs. We have a fabulous mango tree on the property,and we actually end up competing with the monkeys to make sure we get some. The tree has just started to produce massive amounts of fruit, so it's mangos for breakfast everyday!
I had brought my underwater casing for my little Canon, but right before I left, the CCD chip blew out. It's a known problem with certain models, mine being one of them. Chris was ever so kind to take it to the service centre where they sent it off to be replaced and even shipped it back to is (in Montreal). In the meantime, Sylvain happens to have the exact same kind of camera, so my casing has been put to good use while done here. So, first, there is a golden eel. I had to remember how to do custom white balance - so using the sand, I managed to get it working decent enough. A little processing with photoshop, and voila, a very cool looking eel. The other shot is of a spotted trunkfish. The best are the juveniles. They are about the size of a pea and completely black with yellow polka dots. Some great pictures were taken, but I'm not sure who has them, so if I get a chance, I'll post them. Here, we affectionately call them petite pois (little pea).
Sadly, Holga has passed on. The night before, she was traumatized by a cat that was trying to get to her and managed to knock her cage off the table. She survived that, but we think the stress put her over the edge and she died the next day. RIP Holga.