Saturday, March 04, 2006

63: Nice Lens!

So, if you ever want to try something interesting, do this. Watch some bad zombie movie. Not a good one like 28 Days or something, but some cliche, low budget one. Take your ipod or MP3 player or whatver, put on random, and use that as your soundtrack. Don't turn on the movie soundtrack. You'll be amazed at how you can still follow exactly what is happening, and the music makes it very funny.

Yes, that's what my friends and I did tonight. And I let me picture be taken. So that friend I mentioned in my profile who I've learnt a lot of photography stuff from? I'm holding his camera and lens. He and his wife are great friends of mine. We get together, drink lots of good wine, and laugh a lot. Like we did tonight!

Friday, March 03, 2006

62: Simplicity

Woohoo!! I don't have a midterm for a week and half! I calculated I hand wrote things for about seven hours today. Wrote a lab report, practice midterm, and a notes for a lecture, as well as the actual midterm.

I wrote my management midterm today: intro to financial accounting. The actual midterm itself wasn't to difficult, but it was sooo long. My prof was great. She told us to budget our time, and even if we weren't done, move on to the next problem. So I did this, and it was a life saver. A problem I could have easily spent the entire time on got its allotted time, and then I moved onto the other problems. Hopefully, this will maximize my points I receive. Crossed fingers.

So, this is one of those, miracle of raw pictures. This had a major blue tint to it, and with a little white balance, got this instead. I kind of like the colours reflected in the water. Makes it look like it was a fiery sunset or somthing.

So, now I"m back to doing nothing for the rest of the night. I'm entering a couple pictures for a photo contest on Monday. Looking forward to seeing the other entrants and what will happen!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

61: Standing Out

If these had been people, I think I would have met the standing out challenge from a while back.

There was a workshop tonight that I wentto most of regarding studio use. I get acess to a studio at my school that includes three lights, 1 soft box, two umbrellas, a black or white backdrop, and a light meter. Needless to say, as soon as midterms are done, I cannot wait to hit that studio! I have a friend who will also be shooting with me, and I promise to show the results off. It's a whole different technique, so it's going to be a whole new learning curve, but one I'm looking forward to!

OK, now it's back to revenue recognition, generally accepted accounting principles, and the basic accounting equation. Assets = liabilities + shareholder's equity for those of you wondering what the equation is.

I'm not commenting as much as I'd like, but I will pick it up. I'm finding I like to go in spurts, so if you don't receive one, it doesn't mean I'm not looking!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

60: Jing Yuan and Adam

This is Jing Yuanand Adam. Theya re really cool friends and fellow students who I met through the MRSA. The mature and re-entry student association had a little soiree tonight. It was lots of fun, but short since we all have miderms coming up, it was short and sweet

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

59: Attempting to mask a crappy picture of slippers

OK. Snapshot. Crappy picture. But I did take it today! Doing my presentation on greenhouse effect and global warming tomorrow for biology. First power point presentation. I feel so special now that I can use powerpoint!

Monday, February 27, 2006

58: Ice!

Just in under the line. I will try and shoot new stuff, but I have a presentation and a midterm this week. This is from when we had that amazing freezing rain that coated everything in ice. This is the river that I've taken many a picture from, but from a different place. We figured the river would be a pretty shot, and had a nice surprise with all the ice on the trees

Sunday, February 26, 2006

57: Disclaimer: Challenge Outtake!

OK, so my disclaimer is this is an outtake. If you recognize my photo, feel free to pass it by and not vote. The only pictures I took today were for the challenge, so I apologize

The rat is from my dairy entry, and even with the white background, doesn't really show up well. Oh well.

So, I wanted to title this along the lines of, Hey Froggie, Nice Ride!
Or, Duckie! Like my ride?

So, tomorrow I got back to school. I procrastinated more than I wanted to, and didn't get as much work done as I could have, but I did get a good chunk done. Such is life!