Now that the weather is warmer, all the layers of clothing are coming off as well.
I love people watching, and I love to sit in a pedestrian traffic heavy and watch the people go by. As the layers come off, the rubbernecking gets its own workout. I've noticed that the number of men who will turn to look at someone's behind is generally a higer number than a women who will turn to look at a males behind. Granted, a large part of this is because women wear those TIGHT, low riding pants. For the record, I can't stand them (those pants).
Anyways, the title reminded me of an episode of the current Amazing Race where there was a gratuitous butt shot of one of the more shapely women in the competition. I guess the camera man was happy he had a telephoto zoom lens. It made me laugh because it made no attempts to hide what kind of shot it was - a shot of a woman's butt, and it was a blatant shot for the folks who like to look at butts. No generalized genders or sexual orientations will be mentioned.
It's funny. Women today are taught to be confident in themselves - proud to be a woman. Many will dress to show this off, yet it seems to end up objectifying them as sexual objects to be ogled at. I dunno. Seems like women can't win. Be proud and show off your feminity, but be prepared to be drooled on and looked at as a sexual object of desire.
My rant for the day is done. Go take a pretty picture :-)