I've started processing the pictures, but there are a lot, and I'm also trying to catch upon some projects I started before I left.
We got in two dives off the southwest coast of the island. We rented all the equipment except for the shortie wetsuits and our masks. We completely lucked out. The first dive shop we went to was full and sent us to another shop. That shop was doing shallow dives, and recommened a different shop down the road. This shop was associated with a fancy resort right on the coast. So we called them and they said no problem, show up at 7.30am. We get there, and find out they were only expecting four people (my boyfriend and I inclusive). Only one of the other guys showed up, so there were only three of us on the dive boat! The one that was full had 13 divers (if they all showed up).
Some very nice stuff to see, with a couple of nurse sharks, some HUGE crabs, lots of fish, corals and sponges, and what I would love to have as my new pet. I'm holding a sea cucmber that the dive master said I could touch. If I recall correctly, some cucumbers have irritants on their skins. Anyways, for those who dive, you know they always say don't touch anything if you don't know what it is. However, since the dive master said I could, I did. He (it?) was nice and squishy, and slimy, too!
This picture was taken with a canon powershot A70 in an underwater casing by my boyfriend.
Now back on hiatus until June 9th or 19th