A hurricane came through! The centre ended up passing north of us, hitting Martinique, Dominica and other islands quite hard. Barbados ended up with the equivalent of a tropical storm. Still, we loaded up on canned goods, washed all our old bottles out and filled them with water, and hurricane proofed the apartment. One of the coolest things about the place we are staying is that the living and dining are are open. The front door is a grate, as is the main wall facing the ocean. This means we get fabulous breezes and can hear the ocean all the time. This also means that if a stom comes through, wind and rain go through the entire area. The kitchen and bedrooms are closed off, but we still shut all the windows and shutters, and brought everything inside.
Everything was fine. The worst of the storm passed through during the middle of the night. We did dive Thursday morning though, and the ocean was getting incredibly choppy and the current was picking up as well. On Saturday morning, when these pictures were taken, it was quite a site. Our little beach where we load our boat was gone. The reserve, which normally has no waves, looked like a good beginners surfing point. The holes had all overflowed as well, so Katrine and I went for a walk with our cameras in their casings. The water coming out of the whole was almost like a slick. Much yuckier than the last time the hole broke!
In the end, everything was fine. The electricity didn't even go out!
Don't mess with mother nature.