Monday, January 30, 2006

30: Blood Type and Food

I asked for permission to post a shot I did for a photo assignment for one of my school newspapers.  They wanted some concept photo for an article regarding blood type and what you eat.  One of the suggestions was stick a hypodermic needle into a tomato, so I said, ok.  Here is one of the results.  I couldn't decide if I should make the 'blood' the colour when it is drawn, or the colour when it hits the air.  The darker was easier to make with the food colouring.  Amazing how technicalities can make decisions for you.

Shot in RAW with my zoom at 2.8, ISO 1600.  Tweaking in RAW, levels, curves, and saturation bumb in PS, and then a run through neat image.

Happy eating.  These are leftovers from a homemade salsa I made.  Try putting mangos into your salsa.  It adds the coolest dimension and it is really good.  The sweet contrasts well with the spicy and acidity of the salsa.  I promise!


ursula said...

Interesting shot, pidge. I hope you don't mind a couple observations (just from my own point of view, so they're probablyl wrong).

The first thing that came to my mind when the picture came up is, the greenery is cut-off! It looks like there's space missing at the right.

The second thing is that the "blood" (although realistic) is too dark :)

The third is the background, to my eyes it doesn't do the pepper/tomato/greenery/blood much justice.

Also, the needle looks slanted sort of weird, like it's not really in the tomato (even though it is). And the tomato/pepper look almost too smooth.

OK, so after all this bad stuff - I LOVE THE CONCEPT! I guess that's what got me writing. I really hope I don't offend. :)))

Anonymous said...

Great colors and neat idea here. I ditto the part about being too smooth. Maybe a little too much NI. I really like the idea of putting a mango in salsa. It sounds wonderful.

Sonja (Photographer/Owner) said...

hmm..that is interesting. great shot!

Karen said...

Cool shot.

Edward said...

*reading your writeup*.. *boggle*..

It's best to stay ignorant sometimes. lol.