Sunday, April 30, 2006

119: Callye's Bobo

This is Callye's bobo, or booboo. Here in Quebec, you get a boo-boo, it's called a bobo. Boo-boo is actually a derivative of bobo, which is French. Google is great!

The piece she is rehearsing requires her to jump up and hang onto a tall wall. The way to get up involves running towards the wall and then doing a sort of pseudo climb up the wall. This means her left knee gets knocked into the wall at high velocity.

Knee + high velocity + wall = HUGE bruise. She showed me the bruise and I said, we HAVE to take a picture! It will probably only turn more pretty colours this week!

Yes I"m holding my awesome remote in my hand :-P


Jon said...

Ow. Nice lighting though.

Michael P. Randazzo said...

I am sure the beer made it all better. Good shot love the expressiona on all of their faces too.