Thursday, June 22, 2006

173: Balcony Planting

So I weeded and dug up some slower boxes that we haven't used in a few years. I managed to unearth some little insects that weren't happy I had just dug up their homes. We have no idea what they are, but they just kind of buzzed around while I was planting. They didn't bite, thank goodness, but we wanted to try and get rid of some of them. So, my brilliant boyfriend brought out the shopvac and we vacuumed them up. It took a little bit of practice to not vacuum the plants and vacuum the bugs, but we did get rid of most of them.

I know, we're terrible people for vacuuming bugs! If it's any conselation, when we humans are all gone, the bugs will still be here laughing their little heads of at how they survived and we didn't.

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