Thursday, May 17, 2007

Lab Work

So today, we didn't do a field day, but we spent the day in the lab identifying all our bugs we had collected. The lepidoptera and odonata group worked on identifying species, and some of the species they had to differentiate between looked remarkably similar! The fish people were dissecting their parasite and identifying their fish as well. Lots of work, lots of stress, but still very cool. Kristen spent the day identifying spiders, and she is now the expert spider woman! Audrey also worked on separating the ants by morophospecies, so she is now the ant queen. Morophospecies are when you separate the ants by morphological characteristics. Identifying ants unless you are an expert is too difficult. I have it a shot and ended up with some species that ius only found in Australia, so we used morphospecies instead.

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